My brother-in-law managed to snag this photo that is from the new practice facility. I can't believe that this image was chosen because as amazing as the play was for Deron Washington to leap over Paulus for a bucket... the image is Paulus with a mouthful of crotch. So like I said, I can't believe it, but that doesn't mean I don't absolutely love that it happened.
I'm going to miss the "Teabag Paulus" chants during home games against the Dookies. Luckily for us, Duke never fails to recruit players that every other team despises for their poor sportsmanship. Maybe next year I'll get to yell "Teabag Singler" as Jarrell Eddie leaps over him for a dunk? A man can dream.
Haha - you gotta love it. Almost as much as watching the video over and over again with onyx blasting in the background. One day we may be the team that everyone loves to hate - but until then, it's fun being the underdogs.
Not that I'm going to defend Duke's players or coaches (Coach K's manipulation of refs is disturbing), but going the "poor sportsmanship" route as a Hokie fan is definitely the pot calling the kettle black.
Hate them because they win, because they're pompous, because they bend the rules, because their fans didn't go to the school, but let's not throw stones from the glass house.
I'm not sure I can agree with that, G. In my mind, the floor-slappers have a history of unsportsmanlike conduct, or at least players who were known around the college ranks as being complete jerks. Virginia Tech has had... maybe Deron Washington (the ill-fated head stomp against DUKE) and Jeff Allen (the bumping of the ref)? I might understand your take if I were talking about our football program, but I'm just talking basketball. If Duke could actually recruit real football players, we might be able to compare.
Basketball preview appreciated but where is the report on these bad boys?
These things look sweet and cant wait to see Tyrod and Lil Sweetness burning Maryland in them.
Just wait for it, hokieneer. I asked HH.com frequenter Lee to give his opinions on the new uniforms, and on Hokie uniforms in general. Lee can be considered an expert, as he remembers what every team wore in every super bowl going back to the first one, and he's generally accomplished in all areas of uniformity.
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