Friday, December 19, 2008

What's a Hokie?

Today I thought I would tackle that certain question that every Virginia Tech alum finds obnoxious... "What is a Hokie?"

Well let's just clear it up right now. A Hokie is nothing. Nothing at all. The word comes from a cheer that was made up by O.M. Stull of the class of 1896. The cheer was part of a contest to select a new spirit yell for the University, with the winner receiving a grandiose 5 dollars (American). Why, that kind of money would buy a man 20 shaves and haircuts. It was a kingly sum, to be sure.

The cheer, in its current form, goes like this:
Hokie, Hokie, Hokie, Hy.
Techs, Techs, V.P.I.
Sola-Rex, Sola-Rah.
Polytechs - Vir-gin-ia.
Rae, Ri, V.P.I.
Team, Team, Team!

Admit it... you long for nothing more than to have an equally awesome cheer at your college, so you're considering writing one. Don't be ashamed, the "Old Hokie", as it is known, conjures up all kinds of emotions with jealousy being the most prominent.

So a Hokie is not a castrated turkey. Those witty Hoos over in Hooville would like nothing more than for you to fall for their silly ploy and believe the lies they make up about the stout Hokie men that they idolize and secretly long for as they giggle together and try not to spill punch on their Sunday dresses, but the truth will be heard. In its most accurate form, a Hokie is a student or alum of Virginia Tech, and nothing more. For more information, check out this site.

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