Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What is Twitter?

I get that it is a social networking tool or whatever, but no seriously... WHAT IS IT? I don't understand what you do with it. I sound like my dad here, who has a caveman's understanding of everything electronic, but this one just doesn't make sense to me. It's my current Rubik's Cube. Apparently NBA player Charlie Villanueva got in trouble for using it during a game. These darn kids... somebody needs to sit them down, pump them full of Ritalin so they'll pay attention, and teach them some priorities.


Richie said...

It's basically micro-blogging. The difference between Twitter and regular blogs is the size of the message (140 bytes). The messages are posted to servers and then picked up by various services like RSS feeds or sent as SMSes to subscribers to your "tweets".

Unknown said...

I see... so Richie, if you had a twitter account, what sort of things would you post to the world? I am guessing high school kids just use it to let people know where they are, how they are currently feeling, and other vital tidbits.

C said...

Twitter is very successful as a marketing tool, if you are interested in getting more tech sports fans to your site. I would post a one liner on what your blog is about and a link to the actual blog post if you want more traffic to it. People use the search feature so they can see what people are saying about particular subjects. If someone is looking on twitter for 'vt basketball,' and they find what looks like a sweet post on heyhokie... jackpot! On that note, make sure to use words in your 'one liner' twitter post that people would search if they want to find your blog such as vt sports, va tech basketball, hokie sports, whatever.

-Chrystal... I think "Pea" is from a former blog life years ago, but couldn't tell you for sure.. haha